fredag den 20. januar 2017


Hvis du ikke kender Marcus og Jim så er de to youtuber og den 14. januar var de med i Dolce & Gabbana´s Autumn/Winter kampagne. Jim og Marcus fik selskab af flere andre sociale medier stjerner herunder USA YouTuber Cameron Dallas, som også arbejdet med modebrand i 2016.  Det samlende tema af showet var "royalty". Designer Stefano Gabbana sagde: "Det er den nye generation, vi kunne godt lide tanken om at tilføje almindelige mennesker som er blevet berømt takket være internettet."
Jeg synes også at tanken er god, da man viser verden at almindelige mennesker, også kan skabe store ting, hvis man bare kæmper for det!

If you do not know Marcus and Jim then the two youtuber and 14 January they were in Dolce & Gabbana's Autumn / Winter campaign. Jim and Marcus were joined by several other social media stars including USA YouTuber Cameron Dallas, who also worked with fashion brand in 2016. The unifying theme of the show was "royalty". Designer Stefano Gabbana said: "It's the new generation, we liked the idea of adding ordinary people who have become famous thanks to the Internet."I also think that the idea is good, as it shows the world that ordinary people can make great things happen if you just fight for it!

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