Mine kæreste Sune og jeg er lige startet med at søge lejlighed, da jeg er færdig i Esbjerg den 23. juni. Vi har derfor gennem den sidste års tid, købt og ønskede os ting til vores kommende hjem. For mig er det vigtig at de ting, jeg køber eller får passer sammen i designet for alt skabe ro. Min kæreste og jeg er enig om at hvor kommende hjem skal være indrettet enkelt, hyggelig og at det vise at det er os to der bor der. Personligt elsker jeg at indrette, hvor Sune er lidt mere lige glad, så det er mig der kommer til at stå for det. Jeg har på billedet nedenunder fundet mine ønsker til vores kommende hjem.
My boyfriend Sune and I just started to seek occasion when I have finished in Esbjerg on June 23. We have therefore reviewed the past year, purchased and wanted us things for our upcoming home. For me it is important that the things I buy or get fit together as designed all provide reassurance. My boyfriend and I agree about the future home should be decorated simply, cozy, and that it show that it is the two of us living there. Personally I love to organize, where Sune is a little more just happy, so it's me who's going to stand for it. I've pictured below found my wishes for our future home.
My boyfriend Sune and I just started to seek occasion when I have finished in Esbjerg on June 23. We have therefore reviewed the past year, purchased and wanted us things for our upcoming home. For me it is important that the things I buy or get fit together as designed all provide reassurance. My boyfriend and I agree about the future home should be decorated simply, cozy, and that it show that it is the two of us living there. Personally I love to organize, where Sune is a little more just happy, so it's me who's going to stand for it. I've pictured below found my wishes for our future home.
Lamp//1.604 DKK, Placemat//199 DKK, Lamp//419 DKK, Newspaper rack//338 DKK, Chair//1.299 DKK, Mirror//701 DKK, Jug//1.299 DKK, Bench//5.195 DKK
Når jeg skal købe ting til boligen plejer jeg at tjekke Rabble for gode rabatter og mine tre favoritter sider er Trendyliving, Room21 og Scandinavian Design Center. Her kan du spar op til 60 % og få fri fragt.
When I have to buy things for the home, I usually check Rabble for good discounts and my three favorites pages Trendyliving, room21 and Scandinavian Design Center.
When I have to buy things for the home, I usually check Rabble for good discounts and my three favorites pages Trendyliving, room21 and Scandinavian Design Center.
Husk at holde dig opdateret på rabble.dk.
Og følge med på deres instagram: @RabbleOfficial
Og følge med på deres instagram: @RabbleOfficial
Remember to keep you updated on rabble.dk.
And follow their instagram: @RabbleOfficial
This post is in partnership www.rabble.dk
And follow their instagram: @RabbleOfficial
This post is in partnership www.rabble.dk
Sommeren er lige om hjørnet og derfor vil jeg gerne fortælle jer om min drømme rejse.
Jeg vil gerne til kærlighedens by nemlig Paris sammen med min kæreste. Sammen med ham vil jeg gerne opleve den franske kultur, som den enestående udsig fra Eiffeltårnet, (Jeg har hørt at man skal besøge Eiffeltårnet så tidligt på dagen som muligt) se den smukke triumfbue og Notre Dame.
Udover det vil jeg også gerne spise god fransk mad og opleve den enestående mode, som bare er noget for sig. På hotels.com kan du lige nu spar 20%+10% ekstra på Paris-tur. Eller kan du spar op til 70% på andre rejser. Elles kan du lige nu få billige hotel og fly hos Momondo. Så kan du måske flyve billigere til Paris. Og hvis Paris ikke er din smag kan du finde billige hoteller på Trivago.
Summer is just around the corner and therefore I would like to tell you about my dream trip.
I would like the city of love for Paris with my boyfriend. With him I would like to experience the French culture, as the unique vie from the Eiffeltower, (I have heard that you have to visit the Eiffeltower so early in the day as possible) see the beautiful arch and Notre Dame.
Besides that, I also like to eat good French food and experience the unique fashion, as just something for themselves. At hotels.com you can now save 20% + 10% extra on the Paris trip. Or you can save up to 70% on other trips. You can now get cheap hotel and flight with Momondo. So you might fly cheaper to Paris. And if Paris is not your taste, you can find cheap hotels on Trivago.
Udover det vil jeg også gerne spise god fransk mad og opleve den enestående mode, som bare er noget for sig. På hotels.com kan du lige nu spar 20%+10% ekstra på Paris-tur. Eller kan du spar op til 70% på andre rejser. Elles kan du lige nu få billige hotel og fly hos Momondo. Så kan du måske flyve billigere til Paris. Og hvis Paris ikke er din smag kan du finde billige hoteller på Trivago.
Summer is just around the corner and therefore I would like to tell you about my dream trip.
I would like the city of love for Paris with my boyfriend. With him I would like to experience the French culture, as the unique vie from the Eiffeltower, (I have heard that you have to visit the Eiffeltower so early in the day as possible) see the beautiful arch and Notre Dame.
Besides that, I also like to eat good French food and experience the unique fashion, as just something for themselves. At hotels.com you can now save 20% + 10% extra on the Paris trip. Or you can save up to 70% on other trips. You can now get cheap hotel and flight with Momondo. So you might fly cheaper to Paris. And if Paris is not your taste, you can find cheap hotels on Trivago.
Husk at holde dig opdateret på rabble.dk.
Og følge med på deres instagram: @RabbleOfficial
Og følge med på deres instagram: @RabbleOfficial
Remember to keep you updated on rabble.dk.
And follow their instagram: @RabbleOfficial
This post is in partnership www.rabble.dk
And follow their instagram: @RabbleOfficial
This post is in partnership www.rabble.dk
Mid season sale hos STYLEPIT er skudt i gang og er til og med den 30-04-2016 på udvalgte varer. Og lige kan du få op til 25% på de udvalgte varer.
Når ting er på tilbud er det her vi laver de fleste fejlkøb og derfor her jeg 4 god og hurtige råd, så vi undgår at fylde vores garderober med items som er "ligegyldige".
1. Køb basisvarer og gode kvaliteter.
Basisvarer og varer i gode kvaliteter finder du ikke billigere resten af året.
2. Gå efter neutrale farver.
Gå kun efter farver som du ved kan holde sæson efter sæson.
3. Køb kun items, du kan passe.
Du skal ikke købe efter konceptet “Jamen, jeg skal bare tabe mig fem kilo, så sidder den helt perfekt”
når du udsalgsshopper.
Du skal ikke købe efter konceptet “Jamen, jeg skal bare tabe mig fem kilo, så sidder den helt perfekt”
når du udsalgsshopper.
4. Lad være med at købe det forrige års IT-items.
For at være ærlig, så er der en grund til, at disse items kommer på udsalg. Nemlig fordi farve, trend eller facon er ikke opdateret.
Midseason sale at STYLEPIT has begun and is up to and including 30-04-2016 on selected items. And right you can get up to 25% on selected items.
When things are on offer this is where we do most of mis-selling and so here I 4 good and quick tips in order to avoid filling our wardrobes with items that are "indifferent".1. Buy basic items and good qualities.Basic groceries and items of good qualities you will not find cheaper remainder of the year.
2. Go for neutral colors.
Go only for colors that you know can keep season after season.
3. Buy only items you can fit.
Do not buy on the concept "Well, I just lose me five kilograms, so it sits perfectly"
when retail shopper.
4. Do not buy the previous year's IT items.
To be honest, there's a reason why these items are on sale. Namely because color, trend or fashion is not updated.
When things are on offer this is where we do most of mis-selling and so here I 4 good and quick tips in order to avoid filling our wardrobes with items that are "indifferent".1. Buy basic items and good qualities.Basic groceries and items of good qualities you will not find cheaper remainder of the year.
2. Go for neutral colors.
Go only for colors that you know can keep season after season.
3. Buy only items you can fit.
Do not buy on the concept "Well, I just lose me five kilograms, so it sits perfectly"
when retail shopper.
4. Do not buy the previous year's IT items.
To be honest, there's a reason why these items are on sale. Namely because color, trend or fashion is not updated.
Skirt//280 DKK, Pants//300 DKK, Pants//300 DK, Jacket//400 DKK, Shirt//250 DKK, Jumpsuit//1.200 DKK.
De 6 ting på ovenstående er de 6 ting jeg vil gå efter, da det er klassiske og basisvarer. Jeg er som person overbevist om, at hvis man har gode basisvarer i din garderobe kan man undgå tøjkrise. Ellers kan du lige nu spar de 25% på alt fra tøj, make-up til parfume.
The 6 things on above are the 6 things I will go for as it is classic and basic goods. I am personally convinced that if you have good basic items in your wardrobe can avoid tøjkrise. Otherwise, you can now save 25% on everything from clothes, make-up perfume.
This post is in partnership www.rabble.dk/
This post is in partnership www.rabble.dk/
Only for my Danish, Swedish and Norwegian followers.
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