Et par sort loafters er et par perfekt basic sko! Outfit nummer et er meget klassisk og fuld af gode basic tøj, hvor nummer to er cool, med cowboynederdel og rygsæk.
A pair of black loafers are a few basic perfect shoes! Outfit number one is very classic and full of good basic clothes, which number two is cool, with cowboy skirt and backpack.
Glasses//255 DKK, Turtleneck//50 DKK, Blazer//300 DKK, Trousers//725 DKK, Bag//10.000 DKK, Watch//8.050 DKK, Glasses//255 DKK, Bomberjacket//525 DKK, Tee//750 DKK, Belt//50 DKK, Backpack//300 DKK, Denim miniskirt//400 DKK.
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