mandag den 26. juni 2017


Vores stil kan fortælle så meget om vores personlighed, og et outfit kan være et statemant i sig selv.
Men de underliggende budskaber er ikke nok - vi skal udtrykke os med ord hen iver brystet!

Our style can tell so much about our personality, and the outfit can be a statemant itself. 
But the underlying messages are not enough - we have to express ourselves with words on the eve of the chest!
T-shirts//225 DKK, T-shirts//145 DKK.

Husk at du stadig kan skrive, hvad du gerne vil se her på bloggen. Det kan du gøre har: What do you want to see???

  Remember, you can still write what you would like to see here on the blog. What you can do has: What do you want to see ???

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