Royal Copenhagen har en lang tradition for at indgå forskellige
samarbejder med dygtige kunstnere, og denne gang er det
billedkunstner Mette Hannemann. Den nye serie af den unikke porcelæn, er malet med en særlig air-brush teknik. Det er en teknik, hvor man
sprøjter malingen på, hvilket giver et mere poetisk udtryk, som
adskiller sig fra den streg, vi ellers kender fra Royal Copenhagen
Hun er inspireret af fugle og asiatisk fauna, og I mødet med Royal Copenhagens underglasursteknik, bliver det så fint og unik!
Royal Copenhagen
has a long tradition of entering into various collaborations with
talented artists, and this time it is the visual artist Mette Hannemann. The new series of the unique porcelain is painted with a special air-brush technique. It
is a technique of spraying the paint, which gives a more poetic
expression, which differs from the line we otherwise know from Royal
Copenhagen design.
She is inspired by birds and Asian fauna, and in the meeting with Royal Copenhagen's underglass technology, it will be so nice and unique!
She is inspired by birds and Asian fauna, and in the meeting with Royal Copenhagen's underglass technology, it will be so nice and unique!
Samarbejdet består af en en
special edition og en række unikaer. Begge produktioner er skabt i
begrænset omfang, og sælges eksklusivt i Royal Copenhagens butik på
Amagertorv 6 i København. Du kan opleve Mette Hannemanns fine
bordopdækninger på 1. sal og indtil midten af juli.
The collaboration consists of a special edition and a number of unics. Both
productions have been created to a limited extent and are sold
exclusively in Royal Copenhagen's store at Amagertorv 6 in Copenhagen. You can experience Mette Hannemann's nice table tops on the 1st floor and until mid-July.
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