December 16th-08 days back
Mangler du gaven til manden i liv?(Altså din far, kæreste eller bror) Jeg har seks ure, som jeg har fundet frem til jer, som jeg synes er den perfekte, personlige gave. At gå med ur er blevet et meget stor trend, og derfor er det også den perfekt gave. Hvis man finder det helt rigtige ur, er det en der kan holde i mange år.
If you need a gift for the man in life? (So your dad, boyfriend or brother) I have six watches that I have found you, which I think is the perfect, personal gift. Wearing a watch has become a very big trend, and therefore it is also the perfect gift. If you find the right watch, it is one that can last for many years.
If you need a gift for the man in life? (So your dad, boyfriend or brother) I have six watches that I have found you, which I think is the perfect, personal gift. Wearing a watch has become a very big trend, and therefore it is also the perfect gift. If you find the right watch, it is one that can last for many years.
Eyki watch//399 DKK, Nixon watch//895 DKK.
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