Kortfilmen, der er instrueret af Petra Collins, skaber en verden, hvor alt ikke er helt som det ser ud.
To børn finder et VHS-bånd, som åbner en helt ny verden, og de to børn hyldes helt ind i et univers, hvor
deres gamle, sovende bedstemor genopstår i en ung udgave af sig selv.
Bedstemoderen viser sig nemlig at være en rigtig rock-mama fra de
ultra-glam og over-the-top 1980'ere har givet den gas på elguitaren med
alt, hvad der dertil hører af skulderpuder, pailletter og store
diva-solbriller i plexiglas med similisten og logoer.
Hello Spring! Et kay-item (som men ikke kan undgå at lægge mærke til) er de vilde "Hollywood Forever” solbriller, der havde deres debut under Guccis
SS17 show i efteråret 2016.
Solbrille-kollektionen og Petra Collins fantasifulde fortolkning af
universet forenes til perfektion i kortfilmen, der emmer af magi,
muligheder og minder.
The short film, directed by Petra Collins, creates a world where everything is not quite as it seems.
Two children find a VHS tape, which opens a whole new world, and the two children hailed brand into a universe where their old sleeping grandmother resurrected in a young version of himself. The grandmother turns out to be a real rock-mama from the ultra-glam and over-the-top 1980s has given the gas on electric guitar with everything that entails of shoulder pads, sequins and big diva sunglasses in plexiglass with rhinestones and logos.
Hello Spring! A kay-item (which however can not fail to notice) is the wild "Hollywood Forever" sunglasses that made their debut in Gucci's SS17 show in the fall 2016th
Sunglasses collection and Petra Collins imaginative interpretation of the universe combine to perfection in the short film that exudes magic, opportunities and memories.
Two children find a VHS tape, which opens a whole new world, and the two children hailed brand into a universe where their old sleeping grandmother resurrected in a young version of himself. The grandmother turns out to be a real rock-mama from the ultra-glam and over-the-top 1980s has given the gas on electric guitar with everything that entails of shoulder pads, sequins and big diva sunglasses in plexiglass with rhinestones and logos.
Hello Spring! A kay-item (which however can not fail to notice) is the wild "Hollywood Forever" sunglasses that made their debut in Gucci's SS17 show in the fall 2016th
Sunglasses collection and Petra Collins imaginative interpretation of the universe combine to perfection in the short film that exudes magic, opportunities and memories.
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