Trendsætterne er et dansk tv-program som har premiere torsdag den 22. oktober kl. 22.
På torsdag står syv meget håbefulde designere ansigt til ansigt med deres første udfordring. Den designer hvis kreation falder mindst i dommernes smag, kan sige farvel til titlen som "Danmarks Nye Trendsætter". Det faste dommerpanel består af Mark Tan og Charlotte Eskildsen og dagens gæstedommer er Kim Grenaa og Pernille fra Look de Pernille er vært i det nye modeprogram.
Trendsetters is a Danish television program which premieres Thursday, October 22 at. 22nd
On Thursday facing seven very hopeful designers face to face with their first challenge. The designer whose creations fall at least in the judges can say goodbye to the title of "Denmark's New Trendsetter". The fixed panel of judges consists of Mark Tan and Charlotte Eskildsen and today's guest judge Kim Grenaa and Pernille from Overlook the Pernille is the host of the new fashion program.
On Thursday facing seven very hopeful designers face to face with their first challenge. The designer whose creations fall at least in the judges can say goodbye to the title of "Denmark's New Trendsetter". The fixed panel of judges consists of Mark Tan and Charlotte Eskildsen and today's guest judge Kim Grenaa and Pernille from Overlook the Pernille is the host of the new fashion program.
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