Er et af dine nytårsforsæt at få styr på din garderobe, så er der en guide her.
Is one of your New Year's resolution to get a handle on your wardrobe, then there is a guide here.

Is one of your New Year's resolution to get a handle on your wardrobe, then there is a guide here.

Lav en plan og en målsætning. Hvad vil du opnå med oprydningen? Oprydningen handler ikke bare om at smide ud, men om at skabe en garderobe og en stil ud fra hvem du er, og en målsætning om, hvad du gerne vil signalere ud af til. Skriv ned på et stykke papir, hvad du gerne vil opnå med din nye garderobe. Er grunden en stilændring, ændret tøjstørrelse eller andet? Her har du allerede et godt udgangspunkt for at smide det væk i garderoben, som ikke passer ind i den ide om din perfekte garderobe, og du må ikke være sippet her! Ud med det gamle, ind med noget nyt.
Make a plan and a goal. What will you achieve with the cleanup? The clean-up is not just about throwing out, but about creating a wardrobe and an essay on who you are, and a goal of what you want to signal out to. Write down on a piece of paper what you want to achieve with your new wardrobe. Is basically a style change, change the size of clothing or other? Here you already have a good base to throw it away in the wardrobe, which does not fit into the idea of your perfect wardrobe, and you must not be squeamish here! Out with the old, in with the new.
Make a plan and a goal. What will you achieve with the cleanup? The clean-up is not just about throwing out, but about creating a wardrobe and an essay on who you are, and a goal of what you want to signal out to. Write down on a piece of paper what you want to achieve with your new wardrobe. Is basically a style change, change the size of clothing or other? Here you already have a good base to throw it away in the wardrobe, which does not fit into the idea of your perfect wardrobe, and you must not be squeamish here! Out with the old, in with the new.
Tøj, du ikke føler dig tilpas i, skal ud. Spørg dig selv om hvornår du sidst har haft brugt det. Har du ikke haft et par jeans på de sidste tre måneder, kommer de nok ikke på igen. Har du en strik, der får dig til at se tyk ud, skal den også ud. Er der en top i et materiale, du ikke synes er rart at være iført, skal den selvfølgelig heller ikke være en del af din nye drømmegarderobe. Husk, at det tøj som du ikke har fået repareret de seneste seks måneder, højst sandsynligt er tøj, du aldrig kommer til at få på igen. Yndlingstøjet bliver ALTID repareret. Prøv alt tøjet. Du SKAL prøve alt dit tøj på kroppen – ikke noget med bare at holde det op foran dig. Det der er for stort og for småt skal bare ud for formålet med en god garderobe at forstærke din selvtillid, og det er derfor vigtigt, at dit tøj sidder ordentligt, og er den rigtige størrelse.
Clothes, you do not feel comfortable in, going out. Ask yourself when you last had used it. If you have not had a pair of jeans in the last three months, they might not again. Do you have a knit that makes you look fat, it also out. Is there a peak of a material, you do not think is nice to wear, of course, should not be part of your new dream wardrobe. Keep in mind that the clothes you have not got repaired the past six months, most likely clothes you never going to get back. Favorite clothes will ALWAYS be repaired. Try all the clothes. You MUST try all your clothes on the body - no just to keep it in front of you. It is too large and too small just out for the purpose of a good wardrobe to boost your confidence, and it is therefore important that the strap problems, and is the right size.
Hvad skal din nye garderobe indholde? Lav en plan tal at begynde med, og alt hvad du køber skal passe ind i din plan. Et tip er, at inden du køber noget, skal du minimum have sæt i hovedet, hvor det valgte items kan anvendes. Så vil din garderobe med tiden kunne krydses forskelligt, og du vil have mange kombinationsmuligheder. Derudover vil det være en god ide at finde en inspirationskilde, som det er muligt at vende tilbage til, hvis man pludselig er i tvivl om et item; her er der ikke nødvendigvis tale om en person; der kan med fordel laves en collage med billeder fra dine yndlingsmagasiner, der inspirerer dig.
What should your new wardrobe contain? Make a plan figures to begin with, and everything you buy must fit into your plan. One tip is that before you buy something, you must have at least set the head where the selected items can be used. Then your wardrobe could eventually crossed differently, and you will have many possible combinations. Additionally, it will be a good idea to find a source of inspiration, as it is possible to return to if suddenly you are in doubt about an item; here is not necessarily a person; which may with advantage be a collage of photos from your favorite magazines that inspire you.
Clothes, you do not feel comfortable in, going out. Ask yourself when you last had used it. If you have not had a pair of jeans in the last three months, they might not again. Do you have a knit that makes you look fat, it also out. Is there a peak of a material, you do not think is nice to wear, of course, should not be part of your new dream wardrobe. Keep in mind that the clothes you have not got repaired the past six months, most likely clothes you never going to get back. Favorite clothes will ALWAYS be repaired. Try all the clothes. You MUST try all your clothes on the body - no just to keep it in front of you. It is too large and too small just out for the purpose of a good wardrobe to boost your confidence, and it is therefore important that the strap problems, and is the right size.
Hvad skal din nye garderobe indholde? Lav en plan tal at begynde med, og alt hvad du køber skal passe ind i din plan. Et tip er, at inden du køber noget, skal du minimum have sæt i hovedet, hvor det valgte items kan anvendes. Så vil din garderobe med tiden kunne krydses forskelligt, og du vil have mange kombinationsmuligheder. Derudover vil det være en god ide at finde en inspirationskilde, som det er muligt at vende tilbage til, hvis man pludselig er i tvivl om et item; her er der ikke nødvendigvis tale om en person; der kan med fordel laves en collage med billeder fra dine yndlingsmagasiner, der inspirerer dig.
What should your new wardrobe contain? Make a plan figures to begin with, and everything you buy must fit into your plan. One tip is that before you buy something, you must have at least set the head where the selected items can be used. Then your wardrobe could eventually crossed differently, and you will have many possible combinations. Additionally, it will be a good idea to find a source of inspiration, as it is possible to return to if suddenly you are in doubt about an item; here is not necessarily a person; which may with advantage be a collage of photos from your favorite magazines that inspire you.
Spar sammen til de ting, du virkelig gerne vil have, i stedet for at spendere penge på “ligegyldigheder”. Det kan være en ide at lave en plan, med de items du har på ønskelisten i øjeblikket. Det kan gøres månedligt, en gang kvartalet eller halvårlig afhængig af shoppebehov- og budget. Køb og fokuser kun på de ting som kan være en del af din stil og garderobe. Det kan eventuelt være en god idé at boycutte tøjkiggeri på nettet, hvis det, oftest er her, de dumme fejlkøb opstår.
Save together for the things you really want, rather than spend money on "trivialities". It may be an idea to make a plan with the items you have on the wish list at the moment. It can be done monthly, once a quarter or half yearly depending on shoppebehov- and budget. Buy and focus only on the things that can be a part of your style and wardrobe. It may be a good idea to boycutte tøjkiggeri online if it usually is where the stupid mis-selling occurs.
Save together for the things you really want, rather than spend money on "trivialities". It may be an idea to make a plan with the items you have on the wish list at the moment. It can be done monthly, once a quarter or half yearly depending on shoppebehov- and budget. Buy and focus only on the things that can be a part of your style and wardrobe. It may be a good idea to boycutte tøjkiggeri online if it usually is where the stupid mis-selling occurs.
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