Selvom cigaretter er usunde og smager dårligt er der alligevel mange unge som stadig begynder at ryge .Det sker blandt andet fordi de her set en cigaret i munden på fx skuespillere, musikere og andre cool personer.
Cool Uden Røg handler ikke om løftede pegefingre eller om at skræmme folk. Det handler i alt sin enkelthed om at vise, hvordan cigaretter er blevet gjort cool i gennem tidens løb. Det har Kræftens Bekæmpelse gjort ved at bytte cigaretterne ud med en slikkepind og sætte den i munden på de rigtige personer, som er talentfulde, smukke, cool og kendte. Det virker måske fjollet med slikkepinde. Men hvis man tænker over det, er det jo præcis det samme, man har gjort med cigaretter tilbage i tiden.
Though cigarettes are unhealthy and tastes bad, there are still many young people are still starting to smoke. It is partly done because here they saw a cigarette in his mouth, for example actors, musicians and other cool people.
Cool Without Smoke is not about pointing fingers or to scare people. It is in all it's simplicity, to show how cigarettes have been made cool in through the years. The Cancer Society in Denmark made by trading cigarettes out with a lollipop and put it in the mouth of the right people who are talented, beautiful, cool and well-known. It may seem silly with lollipops. But if you think about it, it is precisely the same thing that you have done with cigarettes back in time.
Jeg skriver ikke det her for at sige hvad der er rigtig eller forkert men for at vise hvad de kendte gør ved en med de ting de siger og gør! Og hvor hurtig en trend starter om det så er mode, noget man siger eller om det er noget man gør.
I do not write this to say what there are right or wrong but to show what they famous are doing at one with the things they say and do! And how fast a trend starts whether it is fashion, anything you say or whether it is something to do.